Waterproofing Your Basement
No one wants a leaky basement. This can lead to unpleasant things such as: mold, odor, and damage to stored items. Today, we’ll be looking into the best methods for waterproofing your basement in your existing home.
Interior French Drains
Interior French drains involve digging a 1-foot-wide by 1-foot-deep trench (below floor level) along the perimeter of the basement. Inside this trench will sit a perforated pipe and gravel. Water from this pipe flows to a collection pit and a sump pump will pump it outside where it belongs. French drains can be covered with grates or left exposed, depending on your preference.
Seal Your Walls
If you’ve noticed water streaks on your basement walls (along cracks or between mortar joints), you may want to think about sealing off these places. Using hydraulic cement (such as this one available at Home Depot), fill these cracks with the rapidly setting solution that will form a tight bond against leaks.
These aren’t the only solutions to waterproof your basement. If you’re just beginning the journey of building your home, consider installing an Exterior Drain Tile to trap water before it can get in or install a Floor Drain.
If you’re looking to improve the look, feel and functionality of your home, True North Remodeling can help. Give us a call at (401) 737-4327 or message us through our contact page. Let us be your guide to hassle free home renovation!
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